
BALOO Training for Pack Leaders & Parents

Trevor Patch

As we gear up for the warmer weather, we’re thrilled to invite all Pack Parents and Leaders to participate in the Basic Adult Leadership Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) training. Hosted by the Heart Of Virginia Council, this training is an essential step for those looking to deepen their involvement and understanding of safe, effective camping practices ...


Cub Scout Program Updates

Trevor Patch

For Adult Leaders, Parents and Scouts that are interested in the upcoming Cub Scouts Program Updates; Scouting Magazine is hosting a Webinar with Q&A through their #CubChats Podcast at 8 pm Eastern / 7 pm Central on their social media pages. Most of us will be engaged in Den Meetings during this event, but you ...
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BALOO Training for Pack Leaders & Parents

As we gear up for the warmer weather, we’re thrilled to invite all Pack Parents and Leaders to participate in the Basic Adult Leadership ...
Trevor Patch

Cub Scout Program Updates

For Adult Leaders, Parents and Scouts that are interested in the upcoming Cub Scouts Program Updates; Scouting Magazine is hosting a Webinar with Q&A ...
Trevor Patch