Super Science

Donnie Gladfelter

In this adventure, Bear Scouts will get a little messy but gain a lot of knowledge! Science is an everyday wonder that Scouts can learn more about by simply using ordinary household supplies. Their actions will create amazing reactions in fun investigations exploring static electricity, oil and water, sinking versus floating, and color morphing and ...

Salmon Run

Donnie Gladfelter

This adventure will introduce Bear Scouts to swimming safety, boating safety, physical development and fitness, skill development, and fun in the water. Bears in nature like to swim and play in the water, and so can Bear Scouts. Takeaways Requirements Complete requirements 1-4 plus two others.

Roaring Laughter

Donnie Gladfelter

Laughing provides many health benefits. It also enhances teamwork and improves alertness, creativity, and memory. In this adventure, Bear Scouts will share laughter with others, strengthening their bond with family members and the den. Takeaways Requirements Complete at least four of the following.

Marble Madness

Donnie Gladfelter

In this adventure, Bears will learn about a game that has entertained people since the time of ancient Egypt and has been an important part of Scouting since its early days. They will experience individual competition and teamwork, helping others, learning rules, and being a good sport. Takeaways Requirements Complete requirements 1-4. Requirement 5 is ...

Grin and Bear It

Donnie Gladfelter

In this adventure, Cub Scouts will learn the value of helping other people have fun. The goal is to make sure everyone is wearing a grin! Takeaways Requirements Complete at least four of the following.


Donnie Gladfelter

This activity will help the Bear Scout learn about being observant, looking for clues, and solving situations with those clues. Takeaways Requirements Complete all of the following.

Critter Care

Donnie Gladfelter

Bear Scouts will learn how caring for a pet fosters responsibility and offers a sense of companionship that they can nurture and cherish throughout their lives. This adventure also gives them an opportunity to learn about the many ways animals return the favor and assist people in need. Takeaways Requirements Complete all of the following.

Bear Picnic Basket

Donnie Gladfelter

This adventure introduces Bear Scouts to the fun of preparing their own meals and snacks. They learn basic skills and safety practices when cooking inside or outside. Scouts also learn how to select, prepare, and perfect their own recipes. Takeaways Requirements Complete at least three of the following.

A Bear Goes Fishing

Donnie Gladfelter

Fishing is a skill that can become a lifelong hobby, or possibly a career. It can be done alone, or with family or friends. This adventure is meant to be fun and can be used for teaching several points of the Scout Law such as trustworthy, helpful, courteous, obedient, thrifty, cheerful, clean, and even reverent. ...

Paws for Action (Duty to Country)

Donnie Gladfelter

Scouts of this age are learning to become more independent. In this adventure, Bears will learn how to take care of themselves and be a help to their family, community, and the environment. Additionally, they will continue to learn about patriotism and loyalty to our country. Takeaways Requirements Complete Requirement 1 plus two others from ...

Fur, Feathers, and Ferns

Donnie Gladfelter

In this adventure, Bears will explore the outdoor world of mammals, birds, plants, and more! They will understand that every living thing has a home—often very close by. Scouts will also discover that almost every living thing’s neighborhood is a home to at least one type of another living thing. Protecting those homes, called habitats, ...

Fellowship and Duty to God

Donnie Gladfelter

To practice their duty to God, Bear Scouts will have opportunities in this adventure to be good neighbors, reaching out in fellowship to people in their communities. They will experience the universal principle, common to many religions, that we should treat others the way we want to be treated. Takeaways Requirements Complete the following requirements.
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Super Science

In this adventure, Bear Scouts will get a little messy but gain a lot of knowledge! Science is an everyday wonder that Scouts can ...
Donnie Gladfelter

Salmon Run

This adventure will introduce Bear Scouts to swimming safety, boating safety, physical development and fitness, skill development, and fun in the water. Bears in ...
Donnie Gladfelter

Roaring Laughter

Laughing provides many health benefits. It also enhances teamwork and improves alertness, creativity, and memory. In this adventure, Bear Scouts will share laughter with ...
Donnie Gladfelter

Marble Madness

In this adventure, Bears will learn about a game that has entertained people since the time of ancient Egypt and has been an important ...
Donnie Gladfelter

Grin and Bear It

In this adventure, Cub Scouts will learn the value of helping other people have fun. The goal is to make sure everyone is wearing ...
Donnie Gladfelter


This activity will help the Bear Scout learn about being observant, looking for clues, and solving situations with those clues. Takeaways Requirements Complete all ...
Donnie Gladfelter

Critter Care

Bear Scouts will learn how caring for a pet fosters responsibility and offers a sense of companionship that they can nurture and cherish throughout ...
Donnie Gladfelter

Bear Picnic Basket

This adventure introduces Bear Scouts to the fun of preparing their own meals and snacks. They learn basic skills and safety practices when cooking ...
Donnie Gladfelter

A Bear Goes Fishing

Fishing is a skill that can become a lifelong hobby, or possibly a career. It can be done alone, or with family or friends. ...
Donnie Gladfelter

Paws for Action (Duty to Country)

Scouts of this age are learning to become more independent. In this adventure, Bears will learn how to take care of themselves and be ...
Donnie Gladfelter

Fur, Feathers, and Ferns

In this adventure, Bears will explore the outdoor world of mammals, birds, plants, and more! They will understand that every living thing has a ...
Donnie Gladfelter

Fellowship and Duty to God

To practice their duty to God, Bear Scouts will have opportunities in this adventure to be good neighbors, reaching out in fellowship to people ...
Donnie Gladfelter