First Responder

This adventure will provide Webelos Scouts with an introduction to the skills and responsibilities of a first responder. Activities will cover essential personal safety and first-aid skills.


  • Essential first-aid skills
  • Essential personal safety skills
  • Understanding of the role of the first responder in the local community
  • A Scout is brave, courteous.


Complete 1 and at least five others.

  1. Explain what first aid is. Tell what you should do after an accident.
  2. Show what to do for hurry cases of first aid: Serious bleeding, heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest, stopped breathing, stroke, poisoning
  3. Show how to help a choking victim.
  4. Show how to treat for shock.
  5. Demonstrate how to treat at least five of the following:
    1. Cuts and scratches,
    2. Burns and scalds,
    3. Sunburn,
    4. Blisters on the hand or foot,
    5. Tick bites,
    6. Bites and stings of other insects,
    7. Venomous snakebites,
    8. Nosebleed,
    9. Frostbite
  6. Put together a simple home first-aid kit. Explain what you included and how to use each item correctly.
  7. Create and practice an emergency readiness plan for your home or den meeting place.
  8. Visit with a first responder or health care professional.