My Tiger Jungle

In this adventure, Tigers will learn that there are many types of living things that share the place where we live. All animals, plants, and insects have a purpose in our environment. It is everyone’s duty to be mindful of other creatures’ habitats. Regardless of their age, Tigers can make a difference.


  • Learning about the creatures and plants that share our living world
  • Knowing it’s never too early to understand our animal and insect neighbors
  • Learning how to protect the environment
  • Practicing service to the community and the world
  • A Scout is thrifty, kind, clean.


Complete requirement 1 plus at least two others.

  1. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, go for a walk outside and pick out two or more
    sights or sounds of “nature” around you. Discuss with your partner or den.
  2. Take a 1-foot hike. Make a list of the living things you find on your 1-foot hike. Discuss these plants
    or animals with your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, or with your den.
  3. Point out two different kinds of birds that live in your area. With your parent, guardian, or other caring
    adult, or with your den, find out more about one of these birds.
  4. Be helpful to nature by planting a plant, shrub, or tree. Learn more about the needs and growth of
    the item you have planted.
  5. Build and hang a birdhouse.