Pack Tracks – May 2024

As we approach the final month of our 2023-2024 program year, we have lots of exciting opportunities for Scouts to end the year on a high note.

This week’s Pack Meeting will center around our much-anticipated annual rain gutter regatta race. In addition to this, we will also have Council representatives present to share information about Friends of Scouting and the council’s summer camp programs.

Friends of Scouting is the council’s annual fundraising initiative. It plays a significant role in funding the camp properties that we enjoy and more. Additionally, the council will talk about the two upcoming summer camp opportunities available for Scouts. These include a day camp in June and a four-day, three-night summer camp in July. More information about each of these are below.

Overall, we’re excited about all the accomplishments of our Scouts throughout our 2023-2024 program year, and we can’t wait for the kickoff of our 2024 summertime program in June.

May 2024 Upcoming Events

HOVC Cub Scout Spring Camporee (May 3-5)

The Pack is set for another exciting camping experience at the council’s annual spring Cub Scout camporee this weekend. Please note that REGISTRATION CLOSES AT MIDNIGHT ON MAY 1.

We will prepare meals at our campsite, so please decline the Council’s meal plan option when registering.

Learn more about the Pack’s plans for the camporee on this page. Though Scouts have the option to attend only on Saturday, our Pack will be camping both Friday and Saturday nights.

Council Day of Service – Feed More Service Project (May 18)

As part of the council-wide day of service, our Pack will complete a service project for Feed More on May 18th. Please share your family’s availability with the Cubmaster or your Den Leader so the Pack can establish an event schedule that accommodates as many Scouts as possible.

Pack Meeting: Crossover Ceremony (May 28)

We’ll host our final pack meeting of the 2023-2024 program year on May 28th.

During the meeting, Scouts will crossover to their next rank, which they can start working on from June 1st.

Please reach out to the Cubmaster if you can assist in planning the meeting or contribute in any other way. Also, keep an eye out for further information as it becomes available.

Summer Camps

HOVC Cub Scout Day Camp (June 10-14)

Cub Scout Day Camp offers a week of thrilling activities right after the school year ends. The camp takes place daily at Deep Run Park and welcomes children from rising kindergartners (Lion) to rising fourth graders (Arrow of Light).

HOVC Cub Scout Summer Adventure Camp (July 12-15)

Cub Scout Summer Adventure Camp is a four-day, three-night summer camp experience held at the Heart of Virginia Council Cub Adventure Camp in Goochland, VA. While families can attend any session of their choice, the Pack will participate in the fourth session July 12 – July 15, 2024.

Registration closes on June 3, 2024. However, an early-bird discount is available for scouts and siblings with 50% of their camp fees paid by May 15, 2024.

Representatives from the council will attend our April Pack Meeting to provide additional information and answer any questions about summer camp.

Pack Summertime Events

Weekly den and pack meetings conclude with our May Pack meeting and the end of school. While weekly meetings will not resume until the start of the new school year, the Pack and its Scouts will continue to have plenty of fun throughout the summer.

Pack leaders are working to finalize a schedule of events. However, the Pack will participate in the following council-hosted events.



Friends of Scouting

The Friends of Scouting Family Campaign is the largest fundraising effort the Heart of Virginia Council conducts. This annual giving campaign provides funding for camps, training, literature, the Scout Shop, professional and volunteer support, liability insurance for leaders, accident insurance for Scouts, and many other services. Support of Scouting through the Family Campaign is a way of targeting your support by investing in services for one Scout, two Scouts, or more. Volunteers provide information and conduct meetings that show just where the money goes and the significance of supporting Scouting through this effort.

Representatives from the council will attend our April Pack meeting to share information about this year’s Friends of Scouting appeal.

Upcoming Events for Adults and Leaders

In addition to the events listed above for Scouts and their families, the following events are specifically for parents and adult leaders.

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