Bear Den Meeting 2/13/24 – Fur, Feathers, and Ferns

Next week, the Bear Den will begin working on their Fur, Feathers, and Ferns adventure by learning about composting and planting herbs and vegetables.

Meeting Agenda

  • Opening (Meeting Start: 6:30 pm)
    • Scout Oath & Scout Law
  • Talk Time
    • Discuss the Fur, Feathers, and Ferns adventure
  • Activities
    • Create Compost in a Cup
    • Plant Herbs and Vegetables in Starter Pots

Activity Details

During this meeting, Scouts will learn about growing herbs and vegetables and items, including water and fertile soil needed to make them grow.

  • Vegetable Starter Pot: Use indoor starter pots to add soil, seeds, and water.
  • Indoor Herb Garden: Use plastic cups to create indoor pots for an herb garden. Use a pocket knife to add drainage holes to cups, add soil, and add seeds and water.
  • Compost in a Cup: Discuss nutrients needed to grow plants. Create a compost pile in a cup by adding grass, coffee grounds, soil, and water. Cover with plastic wrap and seal with a rubber band.

By attending and completing the activities during this meeting, Scouts will fulfill Requirements 6 and 7 for the Fur, Feathers, and Ferns adventure.